

Featured Works


Buna Aljazira Contracting Company has over 70 years of experience delivering high-quality contracting services. With a skilled and dedicated team, we focus on excellence, customer satisfaction, and supporting the growth of the contracting sector in Saudi Arabia.


To make Buna Aljazira Contracting Company the first choice for clients and to stand out among the top ten contracting companies in Saudi Arabia.


To execute projects with the highest quality standards, within the allocated budget and project timeline, through a professional engineering team, experienced human resources, advanced technology, and an outstanding work culture.

Rock Cutting

Rock Cutting Rock cutting is performed using heavy equipment or chemical and explosive materials when necessary. These include large excavators, crushers, and hydraulic hammers. Chemical and explosive materials are used to facilitate the process of breaking and further crushing the rocks, and these materials include dynamite and other substances specifically designed for this purpose. Specialized…

Earthworks and Road Layers

Filling and Road Layers Filling work is carried out using the latest equipment under the supervision of a distinguished engineering team. The equipment is carefully selected to ensure efficiency and quality in the execution of the work. The engineering team is equipped with the necessary knowledge and experience to handle the challenges of filling and…

Sewer Networks

Sewer Networks The design of sewer networks is carried out according to approved design plans and specific engineering requirements. The site is studied, and the water and sanitation needs of the area to be covered are analyzed. Based on this, the routes for the pipes, the materials used, and the appropriate drainage system are determined.…

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